| QUICK FACTS | AUTHOR | PARTNERS | 10th Year | 2006 | 2010| 2012 | 2013 | 2015 | 2016 | 2018

Saturday, September 16, 2006

2006.09.16 The Pioneering Lakeshore Tree Planting Project

Pioneering Concept
The humble beginnings of the Lake Mainit Reforestation Program started in 2006. The actual tree planting was done on September 16, 2006.

Within just few days of launching the project in April 2006, the organizers reached the target of 250 tree sponsors . We have added 100 more trees, and by August 31, 2006, all of these were adopted. Few day days before the tree planting date, the team already reached 371 sponsored trees, amounting P76,000.00.


  • Mainit National High School (MNHS) through its Principal, Mrs. Esther Mordido
  • Surigao del Norte College of Agriculture and Technology (SNCAT) through its Superintendent, Dr. Wilfredo Tiu, and Forester, Mr. Jerry Acero
  • Mainit Catholic Youth Movement through the Parish Priest, Fr. Roman Alaan, and Parish Coordinator, Ms. Bebot Mosende
  • Lake Mainit Development Alliance (LMDA) through its Project Manager, Engr. Kaiser Recabo
  • Local Government Unit of Mainit through the Mayor, Hon. Roger Gatpolintan, and Executive Officer, Ms. Rhodina Madria
  • Mainit Dot Org, Inc (MDO) through our President, Ms. Jomarie Libarnes


Forester Jerry Acero giving instructions on how to properly remove seedling bags before planting the Bangkal (Nauclea orientales) wildlings.
Mainit Parish Priest Fr. Roman Alaan, MSc with his tree.
CYM Volunteer with Forester Jerry Acero posing for a photo op.
MNHS Principal Dr. Esther Mordido with Mainit LGU Executive Officer Bingbing Gatpolintan-Madria... putting the tree guard for the newly planted Bangkal cutting. You can see at the background the rest of the participants to the tree-planting project.
Her Cairiness (Queen of Cairo!), MDOer Jocelyn Mosende-Roshdi, beaming with pride and joy after planting her adopted tree. Ate Joy has been out of the country for 19 years!
Mayor Roger Gatpolintan, one of the projects major partner, is joined with LGU officials.
Student volunteers from Mainit National High School. Look at how they dirtied their hands for a cause... then see them a day after as parade leaders in elegant costumes (find them in the following photo).
Leading the Fiesta Parade (September 17) as twirlers and band majorettes.

Dream: Restoring the Lakeside Forest of Lake Mainit

As I was writing the Historical Timeline of our town, I read in Arcilla SJ, Jose S., 1990. “Jesuit Missionary Letters from Mindanao”. Vol. V: The Surigao Mission, that in the mid-1800s towards the early 1900s, the shores of Lake Mainit were heavily forested with Magcono and other Philippine Hardwoods. And through my travels and documentation in the past 15 years, I saw remnants of that forest... seeing tuod (tree trunks) along the lakeshores. 

Then, I had a dream... a lake ecopark... where its 62km shoreline is heavily forested with trees... where my sons, their grandchildren... roam around, running, playing, enjoying nature at its best. 

Hi everyone, I am Peter. I am also Zimmbodilion. I have created this site to document the advocacies from our town Mainit, Surigao del Norte (Southern Philippines) for the country's CLEAREST, 2nd DEEPEST, and 4th LARGEST lake... our beloved Lake Mainit.

Many of those who saw my passion to help conserve and preserve our lake has given me names. I can't recall all, but here are some from whom I also know are fellow environmental enthusiasts:

"One of Surigao's staunch enviromental warrior" 
Atty. Cocoy Rebuta, Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center, Inc, Manila, Philippines

"Most consistent and dedicated Mainitnon"
Kap. Gaudencio Mondano, Punong Barangay 2013-present, Barangay Quezon, Mainit, Surigao del Norte  

"Ang banggiitang Mainitnon. Di napapagod sa pakikibaka"
Atty. Mai Taqueban, Cagayan de Oro City

My Bangkal Seedling! This is one of the 371 trees planted on the Western Shores of Lake Mainit (Panayakpan) during the September 16, 2006 Tree Planting Project.

With fellow Lake Mainit environmental warriors, siblings Al Rodin Behagan and Lodella Mae Behagan-Mosca planting a Bangkal seedling on the west bank of the Barangay Quezon coastal area of  the lake (Bitan-ag shores) last May 31, 2015.
Hugging the 8-year old (6cm thick) Bangkal tree planted in 2006 at the Panayakpan area (Eastern Shores) of Lake Mainit.

I was inspired to design shirts for Lake Mainit. I am not am enterpreneur but since people liked my shirts, I got orders and have since sold almost a thousand pieces. Here's one example... an embroidered Lake Mainit logo on a honeycomed collared premium cotton black shirt. Taken in January 2016 with an 8-month  Bangkal tree.

One of the 2006 Batch of Bangkal Trees, now towering at above 30-feet and diameter of 10 inches (planted September 16, 2006)

Quick Lake Facts

Vital Statistics
Watershed Area: 87,072 ha (870.72 km2)
Lake Surface Area: 17,340 ha (173.40 km2)
Maximum length: 18.08 mi (29.10 km)
Shore length (Shoreline): 38.59 mi (62.10 km)
Maximum Depth: 223 m (731.63 ft)
Average Depth: 128 m (419.95 ft)
Water volume: 4.32 cu mi (18.00 km3)
No. of River Tributaries (inflows): 28 creeks rivers
No. of Outlets (outflows): 1 river (Calinawan River)
Surface elevation: 42 m (137.80 ft)
No. of Towns around the Lake: 8 municipalities
Settlement towns: 4 municipalities (Mainit, Alegria, Kitcharao, Jabonga)

No. of Coastal Barangays: 20 barangays

Sources: www.wikipedia.com | Personal Interviews

Location: Mindanao

Coordinates: 9°25′57″N 125°31′22″E
Source: www.wikipedia.com



Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Partners 2006-2018

The Lake Mainit Lakeshore Reforestation Project has been very grateful to the following active supporters:

2018 Tree Planting (Tagbuyawan Shores)
  1. Tambayayong Mainit Inc through our President Mana Nora Mosende Douglas
  2. Mainitnon Incorporated (MI) 
  3. Concerned Citizens of Mainit 
  4. Barangay Tagbuyawan Officials and Residents

2016 Tree Planting (Bitan-ag Shores)
  1. Mainit National High School Alumni Batch 1991 Lead: Al Rodin Behagan, Genalyn Cubelo

2016 Bangkay Tree Planting (Alegria Shores) - Mainit Lakeshore Greening Program (MLGP)
  1. Upsilon Phi Sigma International Fraternity and Sorrority Incorporation - Alegria Municipal Executive Council
  2. Local Government Unit of the Municipality of Alegria
  3. Local Government Unit of Barangay Anahaw and Barangay San Pedro
  4. Alegria National High School (ANHS) 
2015 Tree Planting (Bitan-ag Shores)
  1. Mainitnon Gihapon Facebook Group
  2. Local Government Unit of Barangay Quezon through the Punong Barangay, Kap. Bebot Mondano
  3. Mainit National High School (MNHS) 
  4. Surigao del Norte College of Agriculture and Technology (SNCAT) through its Forester, Mr. Jerry Acero
  5. Mainit Parish  through its Parish Coordinator, Ms. Bebot Mosende

2013 Tree Planting (Panayakpan Shores)
  1. Local Government Unit of Barangay Quezon through the Punong Barangay, Kap. Bebot Mondano
  2. Surigao del Norte College of Agriculture and Technology (SNCAT) through its Forester, Mr. Jerry Acero
  3. International Red Cross of the Netherlands
  4. Philippine National Red Cross

2012 Tree Planting (Bitan-ag River)
  1. Tambayayong Mainit Inc through our President Mana Nora Mosende Douglas
  2. Mainit National High School (MNHS) 
  3. Surigao del Norte College of Agriculture and Technology (SNCAT) through its Forester, Mr. Jerry Acero
  4. Mainit Parish  through its Parish Coordinator, Ms. Bebot Mosende

2010 Tree Planting (Panayakpan Shores)
  1. Tambayayong Mainit Inc through our President Mana Nora Mosende Douglas
  2. Mainit National High School (MNHS) 
  3. Surigao del Norte College of Agriculture and Technology (SNCAT) through its Forester, Mr. Jerry Acero
  4. Mainit Parish  through its Parish Coordinator, Ms. Bebot Mosende

2006 Tree Planting (Panayakpan Shores)
  1. Mainit National High School (MNHS) through its Principal, Mrs. Esther Mordido
  2. Surigao del Norte College of Agriculture and Technology (SNCAT) through its Superintendent, Dr. Wilfredo Tiu, and Forester, Mr. Jerry Acero
  3. Mainit Catholic Youth Movement through the Parish Priest, Fr. Roman Alaan, and Parish Coordinator, Ms. Bebot Mosende
  4. Lake Mainit Development Alliance (LMDA) through its Project Manager, Engr. Kaiser Recabo
  5. Local Government Unit of Mainit through the Mayor, Hon. Roger Gatpolintan, and Executive Officer, Ms. Rhodina Madria
  6. Mainit Dot Org, Inc (MDO) 
2006 Sponsors
  1. Cain Lincuna - New Jersey
  2. Zimm Mosende - Quezon City
  3. Annallee Sannoy-Quaglia – California
  4. John Mark "Monmon" Libarnes – Cebu City
  5. Mark "Marionito" dela Cruz - Dubai UAE
  6. Joy Mosad – Cairo
  7. Anonymous #1 c/o Zimm - US Donor
  8. Cecile Villapane-Dumdum - Mainit SDN
  9. Oliver Patiño – France
  10. Anonymous #2 c/o Zimm - US Donor
  11. Regeil E. Relliquete - Cebu City
  12. Mindstorm Media – Makati
  13. Loida Osoteo – CA USA
  14. Desha Reddick – USASusan Relliquete – Canada
  15. Jikjik Behagan – Ireland
  16. Nonong Behagan – Mainit SDN
  17. Maya Behagan-Mosca - Mainit SDN
  18. Ma. Gina Dimaampao - Mainit SDN
  19. Julie Montaner-Scharphorn - Michigan USA
  20. Pia Tan c/o Ann Gatpolintan
  21. Richard De Dios c/o Ann Gatpolintan
  22. Maureen Tan c/o Ann Gatpolintan
  23. Atty. Charlo Paredes – Philippines
  24. Wendel Canseko c/o Mana Balorns – Philippines
  25. Ana & BG Lauron Bedell – USALISA Osoteo c/o Ann Gatpolintan - CA USA
  26. Aprilyn Taylor - USA
  27. Salve Mordeno - Mandaue City
  28. Atty. Russel Alleta - QC
  29. Josefa Libarnes - Mainit, SDN
  30. Glenda Pagapong Caberte - Oxnard, CA USA
  31. Leo Esperon Caberte - Oxnard, CA USA
  32. Felix Mosende Family - CA USA
  33. Engr. Rey Francisco - Roxas, Mainit SDN
  34. Bobbie Villapane - Mainit SDN
  35. Jose Enriquez 'Josh' Castro Reyes - Quezon City
  36. Jenevieve Nica Estelle 'Jenna' Castro Reyes - Quezon City
  37. Joyce Valbuena - Quezon City